
Physio exercise for rehab

Physio exercise for rehab.

When you have a knee injury, unable to exercise as usual, and you're  hyper-mobile, muscles quickly switch off especially the glute, core and hamstrings. 
It's starting over again with the most basic fitness exercises.

To kick start muscle memory and functionality, tie a stretchy band knotted at the ends over a door frame, and pull down.
Then weight transfer from leg to leg and lift knee. The action of pulling on the bands will help switch on and engage core and glutes.

When you have a knee injury, unable to exercise as usual, and you’re hyper-mobile, muscles quickly switch off especially the glute, core and hamstrings.
It’s starting over again with the most basic fitness exercises.

To kick start muscle memory and functionality, tie a stretchy band knotted at the ends over a door frame, and pull down.
Then weight transfer from leg to leg and lift knee. The action of pulling on the bands will help switch on and engage core and glutes.

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