
I’m road testing two brand new nutritional supplements this week

I’m road testing two brand new nutritional supplements this week.

This one is called Zenii and can help plump and hydrate the skin. Good skin care isn’t just about the beauty products you put on your skin- but living a healthy lifestyle with attention to the food you eat and how much water you drink.

As we age the skin loses its collagen, elastin & hyaluronic acid content. So this is a supplement that aims to address these issues.

ProHydrate by ZENii
Hyaluronic acid to help maintain skin hydration.
Coconut water also for skin rehydration.
MSM as an anti-inflammatory and skin detoxificator.
Vitamin C as an antioxidant.
Zinc for healing and rejuvenation.

I would think that the results of any course of supplements or treatments will be more apparent and keep improving after a couple of months rather than in just one month. But we all have to start somewhere.

Zenii ProHydrate is available from John Bell and Croyden in London and online.
I’ll let you know my own results in a month.


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