
Tuesday morning early HIIT boxing training session

Tuesday morning early HIIT boxing training session.

Love boxing for having to be mindful, be in the moment and focus.  Also brilliant for cardio, toning, upper body, arms, waist, glutes and legs
And also the brain for remembering the sequences. HIIT is the best way for helping increase your metabolism for most efficient  weightloss (of course together with how you moderate your eating).
You dont have to be young to start a new sporting activity. #nevertoolate. I'm 63.

Love boxing for having to be mindful, be in the moment and focus. Also brilliant for cardio, toning, upper body, arms, waist, glutes and legs
And also the brain for remembering the sequences. HIIT is the best way for helping increase your metabolism for most efficient weightloss (of course together with how you moderate your eating).
You dont have to be young to start a new sporting activity. #nevertoolate. I’m 63.

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