
At 10am tomorrow- wednesday @nesseinlondon And I will be doing an Instagram ‘live’ chat together


The pics are Nesse left and top right, and bottom right- me

Nesse is a brilliant pilates and barre teacher.
I am 65 and try to keep myself fit and healthy.

In life before Covid19 I spoke on radio, TV and in schools and organisations on mental wellness, social media, positive body image, first impressions and healthy eating (I have a nutrition diploma) health, beauty, lifechange and personal image and style. (I was a celebrity stylist for A list stars for 30 years) .

Nesse and I are going to be chatting together at 10am tomorrow –
and answering your questions on any subjects you ask us:
From menopause to men,
Healthy diet or current lifestyle dilemmas
pilates to positivity.
… and more.. .
before Nesse and I host a Zoom fun Pilates class the following Monday for anyone who is age 50 plus and would still like to keep fit. .
Look forward to 10am tomorrow.
A date for your diaries.

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