
BBC Radio London with Salma and Lionheart

BBC Radio London with Salma and Lionheart.
22.30pm Thursday night.
Chatting about how the perceptions of the perfect body and young women's positive body image has been dramatically and adversely affected with the advent of social media, especially over the last 10 years. . 
Back in the day - in the 1970s, the decade in which my novel "Secrets in the Dark" is set - young women would have scrutinised their bodyshapes in the mirror, wishing they could have been slimmer, taller or even bigger breasted - looking more like their favourite model or pop star - and addressed their issues with a dramatic diet or some slimming pills. 

They never had the pressure of negative online peer judgement and the skewed perceptions of online reality versus real life,  causing comparison anxiety, unrealistic ideals of perfection and mental health issues. 



22.30pm Thursday night.
Chatting about how the perceptions of the perfect body and young women’s positive body image has been dramatically and adversely affected with the advent of social media, especially over the last 10 years. .
Back in the day – in the 1970s, the decade in which my novel “Secrets in the Dark” is set – young women would have scrutinised their bodyshapes in the mirror, wishing they could have been slimmer, taller or even bigger breasted – looking more like their favourite model or pop star – and addressed their issues with a dramatic diet or some slimming pills.

They never had the pressure of negative online peer judgement and the skewed perceptions of online reality versus real life, causing comparison anxiety, unrealistic ideals of perfection and mental health issues.



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My personal Covid lockdown story out this week ( written by myself) on the online website www

My personal Covid lockdown story out this week ( written by myself) on the online website  in the books and authors section.
How my debut novel "Secrets in the Dark" came to be finished, edited and published as a result of being ill with the virus and in self- isolation from my family and friends from March onwards.
It just goes to show that even when faced with challenging circumstances always remain positive and never give up. 
It's never too late to start a new career even at age 65.

@femalefirst_uk in the books and authors section.
How my debut novel “Secrets in the Dark” came to be finished, edited and published as a result of being ill with the virus and in self- isolation from my family and friends from March onwards.
It just goes to show that even when faced with challenging circumstances always remain positive and never give up.
It’s never too late to start a new career even at age 65.


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#tbt How strange it seems now that being in the middle of a crowd in a field at an IoW music festival was the normal

Our new normal changes daily.

We have to be positive and live in the moment – not looking further ahead than tomorrow, creating our new normal with at least one planned activity a day to look forward to – apart from your one daily walk/exercise outdoors.

You could make time to:
Phone or video chat to someone living on their own.
Make a cake – however bad.
Try an online fitness class.
Have a dance in the kitchen
Get dressed
or just do a meditation.
It gives a purpose and structure to the day.and helps your mental wellness.
Stay safe and well

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At 10am tomorrow- wednesday @nesseinlondon And I will be doing an Instagram ‘live’ chat together


The pics are Nesse left and top right, and bottom right- me

Nesse is a brilliant pilates and barre teacher.
I am 65 and try to keep myself fit and healthy.

In life before Covid19 I spoke on radio, TV and in schools and organisations on mental wellness, social media, positive body image, first impressions and healthy eating (I have a nutrition diploma) health, beauty, lifechange and personal image and style. (I was a celebrity stylist for A list stars for 30 years) .

Nesse and I are going to be chatting together at 10am tomorrow –
and answering your questions on any subjects you ask us:
From menopause to men,
Healthy diet or current lifestyle dilemmas
pilates to positivity.
… and more.. .
before Nesse and I host a Zoom fun Pilates class the following Monday for anyone who is age 50 plus and would still like to keep fit. .
Look forward to 10am tomorrow.
A date for your diaries.

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Planting a microgreens home kitchen garden

Planting a kitchen garden to grow indoors in my kitchen.
Should be ready to start eating within 14 days

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