Health & Fitness

The Mole Clinic

This is a MUST-visit place to get your moles and freckles checked. The Mole clinic is also coming to Superdrug branches.

I went along to have a freckle that had changed in size on my face investigated. The specially trained nurse gave me a complete MOT for any signs of melanoma anywhere on my body. Apparently the most common places for women to get any cancerous moles are on the bottom or your legs. The test on my freckle came back within 24 hours (thankfully negative) and I just have to go back in 6 months for a re-check. I advise everyone to go there. The staff are friendly and informative and help put your mind at rest. It is always better to prevent than cure. Don’t forget to wear suntan lotion of at least Factor 15 when sunbathing and always on your face. It helps you stay looking younger!

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