
#tbt to January 2020 It could be the same post 2 years on but a different journey that I’ve just been on…

to January 2020

It could be the same post 2 years on but a differemt journey that I've just been on...

Small steps.
When life is tough don't give up.
It's easy in January to make all those unrealistic  resolutions and set yourself up to fail.
So start your journey with small steps.
A step by step change of thinking.
It could be that you want to:
Change your life.
Become fitter, healthier.
It could be anything........
Start each day when you wake up to be grateful for 3 things in your life. That way the day will begin  on a positive note.
Remove any negativity and replace with positivity and the possibilities of what you can achieve with each of those small steps.
Be the master of your own destiny.

Photo by @rory_photo 
'Amazon women' Vintage top by Kenzo



Small steps.
When life is tough don’t give up.
It’s easy in January to make all those unrealistic resolutions and set yourself up to fail.
So start your journey with small steps.
A step by step change of thinking.
It could be that you want to:
Change your life.
Become fitter, healthier.
It could be anything……..
Start each day when you wake up to be grateful for 3 things in your life. That way the day will begin on a positive note.
Remove any negativity and replace with positivity and the possibilities of what you can achieve with each of those small steps.
Be the master of your own destiny.

Photo by @rory_photo
‘Amazon women’ Vintage top by Kenzo


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#bekindtoyourself is my message for today

is my message for today.
When we try to set goals for ourselves that are often not achievable, we wonder why - especially when we are recovering from trauma.
Trauma can manifest in many ways and can take us by surprise blindsiding us - and create an unexpected emotional rollercoaster - leaving us exhausted, unable to concentrate or focus for any length of time and also unexplicably weepy at the slightest triggers - whether it is simply a friend's kindness towards us or a metaphorical mountain climbed that day for the first time.
Trauma is an emotional response from a serious shock experienced by our bodies and can create levels of PTSD causing these heightened emotions that leave us wondering why we are like this. Major surgery can be one such cause. 
I only discovered this today from my surgeon who explained that it can take up to 3 months to recuperate mentally (not physically) from such major surgery. This is not just the effects of the anaesthetic and drugs etc but the extreme trauma the body has experienced. 
I had only considered the physical aspect of recovery especially as my mental wellness has always been a given.
So even if you are usually focused and driven in your daily life - achieving your daily goals and more - cut yourself some slack if you are recovering from any sort of trauma and give your body and your mind time to heal..

When we try to set goals for ourselves that are often not achievable, we wonder why – especially when we are recovering from trauma.
Trauma can manifest in many ways and can take us by surprise blindsiding us – and create an unexpected emotional rollercoaster – leaving us exhausted, unable to concentrate or focus for any length of time and also unexplicably weepy at the slightest triggers – whether it is simply a friend’s kindness towards us or a metaphorical mountain climbed that day for the first time.
Trauma is an emotional response from a serious shock experienced by our bodies and can create levels of PTSD causing these heightened emotions that leave us wondering why we are like this. Major surgery can be one such cause.
I only discovered this today from my surgeon who explained that it can take up to 3 months to recuperate mentally (not physically) from such major surgery. This is not just the effects of the anaesthetic and drugs etc but the extreme trauma the body has experienced.
I had only considered the physical aspect of recovery especially as my mental wellness has always been a given.
So even if you are usually focused and driven in your daily life – achieving your daily goals and more – cut yourself some slack if you are recovering from any sort of trauma and give your body and your mind time to heal..

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This is the new bionic me

This is the new bionic me.
A customised 3D printed titanium hip joint from Germany held firmly in place with the addition of 3 extra long screws.
Extra fingers of titanium replace the need for bone grafts to fill in the holes in surrounding bone caused by the of the leaking from my ill-advised of 7 years ago. 
I will be fully weight bearing in 6 weeks time -  but at the moment still only partial weight-bearing on crutches with all physio only in a hydro-pool as the water allows me to do so much - even single leg balance and squats on the operated hip leg. 

This is a year's recovery to be able to do sports safely whilst the bone heals around the implant but by the start of 2022 I will be able to do most non-impact exercise. 
It is positively awe inspiring what futuristic medical technology can now be done together with amazing pioneering hip surgery with Professor Alister Hart @exerciseforscience 
I am such a lucky girl that the holes in the corroded bone were discovered in time - and that I was advised to stop all exercise and even walks ( except for swimming and static bike) for the 3 months before the op in case the bone crumbled from the amount of holes that had been caused in the surrounding bone.
I had no idea that anything so significant was wrong and I had been continuing to horse ride , play tennis, and do all sporting activities even ice skate.
So ladies- if you know anyone who has had a metal on metal hip resurface op please advise them to get their bloods checked and a CT scan to make sure they are okay. 

A customised 3D printed titanium hip joint from Germany held firmly in place with the addition of 3 extra long screws.
Extra fingers of titanium replace the need for bone grafts to fill in the holes in surrounding bone caused by the of the leaking from my ill-advised of 7 years ago.
I will be fully weight bearing in 6 weeks time – but at the moment still only partial weight-bearing on crutches with all physio only in a hydro-pool as the water allows me to do so much – even single leg balance and squats on the operated hip leg.

This is a year’s recovery to be able to do sports safely whilst the bone heals around the implant but by the start of 2022 I will be able to do most non-impact exercise.
It is positively awe inspiring what futuristic medical technology can now be done together with amazing pioneering hip surgery with Professor Alister Hart @exerciseforscience
I am such a lucky girl that the holes in the corroded bone were discovered in time – and that I was advised to stop all exercise and even walks ( except for swimming and static bike) for the 3 months before the op in case the bone crumbled from the amount of holes that had been caused in the surrounding bone.
I had no idea that anything so significant was wrong and I had been continuing to horse ride , play tennis, and do all sporting activities even ice skate.
So ladies- if you know anyone who has had a metal on metal hip resurface op please advise them to get their bloods checked and a CT scan to make sure they are okay.

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Sunday’s daily walk – finally wearing jeans, not leggings – and with clean hair too

One day each week wearing normal clothes seems to help mental wellness and even brings a tiny bit of the old normal back again into your life – even briefly.

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These are my video clip edits of the sights and sounds of mother nature that have helped my mental wellness and brought me joy over this last week of my morning walks

I haven’t added any commentary or music as the sounds of the birds and water were so lovely.


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So for a little light relief I thought I would post my @readysteadycooktv pini that I won another lifetime ago with @ainsleyfoods in a Celebrity Ready Steady Cook episode

Loved doing it
Also @rylan you’re so good.

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Helping others at no charge during all our #coronaisolation – especially those who live on their own

Please message me here if you would like to talk to me on anything. I may do some ‘Instalives’ soon.
Please do share this post.


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