
Good morning Clean hair, no makeup, hair roots desperate for the hairdresser

Tight dress after so many compulsive and frequent fridge visits.

However I’m well now – healthy physically and mentally and with positive thoughts for today.
I can only manage to think about one day at a time at the moment – I used to think ahead and plan. Now each day evolves from the moment I wake up according to how I slept the night before. .

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Been off social media for the last few weeks and still will be, until I finish the final edit of my first novel which I started last year

My current office is in the garden, wearing noise cancelling headphones (noisy neighbours, crying kids, and builders and building works everywhere).
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These are my video clip edits of the sights and sounds of mother nature that have helped my mental wellness and brought me joy over this last week of my morning walks

I haven’t added any commentary or music as the sounds of the birds and water were so lovely.


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#tbt How strange it seems now that being in the middle of a crowd in a field at an IoW music festival was the normal

Our new normal changes daily.

We have to be positive and live in the moment – not looking further ahead than tomorrow, creating our new normal with at least one planned activity a day to look forward to – apart from your one daily walk/exercise outdoors.

You could make time to:
Phone or video chat to someone living on their own.
Make a cake – however bad.
Try an online fitness class.
Have a dance in the kitchen
Get dressed
or just do a meditation.
It gives a purpose and structure to the day.and helps your mental wellness.
Stay safe and well

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Found my perfect spot at home to do more ‘live’ chats

Will do another chat , Q&A towards the end of the week with Nesse
@nesseinlondon (Fitness/nutrition/sarcasm)
in advance of our joint class on Monday. .
The class will be aimed at all ages young and old- she is young and I am old.
Whilst Nesse instructs and demos, I will be sharing the class with her onscreen as her pupil – adapting some of the exercises for those who are older or less fit. .
We will also be focussing on re-aligning our posture and spinal mobility from so many hours spent sitting in front of screens.
Nesse is a great instructor and irreverant and funny with her chat
Hope you can join us.
The next class is 10am Monday morning.
Please do let us know if there’s another time of the day you would prefer.
Maybe evening – 6pm – better for you? .
The website to book in for the next zoom class is at:

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