Categories Lifestyle Sunday’s daily walk – finally wearing jeans, not leggings – and with clean hair too Post author By ceril Post date Monday, May 4, 2020 One day each week wearing normal clothes seems to help mental wellness and even brings a tiny bit of the old normal back again into your life – even briefly. Share this post Tags 50pluslifestyle, 50pluswomen, 60plusandfabulous, coronaisolation, coronalockdown, currentlywearing, dailywalk, gratitude, groundhogday, inspire, jeans, lifestyle, lifestyleinspo, mentalhealth, mentalwellness, positivity, shoppinginyourwardrobe, thenewnormal, vintagejeans, whatimwearingtoday
Categories Lifestyle These are my video clip edits of the sights and sounds of mother nature that have helped my mental wellness and brought me joy over this last week of my morning walks Post author By ceril Post date Thursday, April 30, 2020 I haven’t added any commentary or music as the sounds of the birds and water were so lovely.Enjoy Share this post Tags 50pluslifestyle, 60pluswomen, beautyinnature, birdwatching, coronaisolation, coronalockdown, dailywalk, flowers, inspireothers, lifestyle, lifestyleinspo, lockdown, mentalhealth, mentalwellness, nature, naturelovers, selfisolation, thingsthatbringmejoy