
Quick and easy home-cooked French onion soup with sourdough croutons

2 brown onions
Olive oil
Teaspoon brown sugar
Couple of cloves
Couple cloves of garlic
Chicken stock (made from a previous roast chicken dinner and frozen in small bags ready for use) or a well-flavoured vegetable stock.
Slice/s of sourdough toasted.
Quantities make enough for 1 self-isolating hungry person or 2 less- hungry people according to the amount of chicken stock you use.
The cloves, sugar and caramelisation of the onions are what give the soup its zing! 

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Final day of my 5 day fast-mimicking Prolon diet.

Final day of my 5 day fast-mimicking Prolon diet.
From tomorrow, I will be eating predominantly vegetables and slowly re-introducing protein with fish and chicken back into my daily diet.
As my 65th birthday approaches,  I felt it increasingly important to take stock of my health, returning to healthy eating and regular exercise as it had all gone pear-shaped during the Summer.
Friends say to me "but you look fine as you are" you don't need to lose weight" but visceral fat ( the internal fat around your organs can also be inside a slim or even skinny person.  Also we all know that to look good we need to FEEL good as well.
Visceral fat is a type of body fat that can’t be pinched or seen with the naked eye, and it surrounds vital organs, including the liver, pancreas and kidneys. Keeping levels of visceral fat can reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, the onset of type 2 diabetes and many other illnesses.

Final day of my 5 day fast-mimicking Prolon diet.
From tomorrow, I will be eating predominantly vegetables and slowly re-introducing protein with fish and chicken back into my daily diet.
As my 65th birthday approaches, I felt it increasingly important to take stock of my health, returning to healthy eating and regular exercise as it had all gone pear-shaped during the Summer.
Friends say to me “but you look fine as you are” you don’t need to lose weight” but visceral fat ( the internal fat around your organs can also be inside a slim or even skinny person. Also we all know that to look good we need to FEEL good as well.
Visceral fat is a type of body fat that can’t be pinched or seen with the naked eye, and it surrounds vital organs, including the liver, pancreas and kidneys. Keeping levels of visceral fat can reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, the onset of type 2 diabetes and many other illnesses.

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Day #2 of the fasting detox week. . 18 hours after my last meal is this main meal of today.

Day of the fasting detox week.
18 hours after my last meal is this main meal of today.
Glass of Gazpacho 
Tuna salad.
Tinned tuna in olive oil
Grated carrot

Day of the fasting detox week.
18 hours after my last meal is this main meal of today.
Glass of Gazpacho
Tuna salad.
Tinned tuna in olive oil
Grated carrot

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Good morning. Good Friday . My happy place by the sea with dogs @misslucy_lou and family for Easter weekend.

Good morning. Good Friday 
My happy place by the sea with dogs @misslucy_lou and family for Easter weekend.
This picture was taken by my daughter on our morning dog walk after 4 days of the 5 day Prolon intermittent fast-mimicking 1000 calorie a day diet plan. My daughter commented I was looking significantly slimmer. I don't know how much weight I've lost as I prefer to not weigh as I don't believe obsessing with weight or calories is a healthy mindset.
The scientifically researched mix of vitamin supplements together with the packeted vegan soups, nut and cocoa bars and fresh olives were actually really tasty and quite easy to manage for 5 days without feeling faint or too hungry or deprived. I do like my food.  .
Prolon do caution no exercise during this period, however I did have a yoga class and dog walks and was fine. .
Intermittent fasting is how I live day to day always leaving 12 hours after my last meal to my first of the following day. And when I can, 2 consecutive days a week, leaving 16-18 hours overnight ( an early supper, no breakfast, late lunch) . Not difficult. .
So these 5 days mimicked this way of eating but with reduced calorific intake. Much the same as the Michael Mosely 1000 cal a day eating plan for helping to reverse type 2 diabetes.
Happy Easter everyone.
I'm now looking forward to family Easter weekend with proper meals which are still healthy and also a bite or two or three of a dark chocolate Easter egg. 

@prolonuk @flipside_pr

Good morning. Good Friday
My happy place by the sea with dogs @misslucy_lou and family for Easter weekend.
This picture was taken by my daughter on our morning dog walk after 4 days of the 5 day Prolon intermittent fast-mimicking 1000 calorie a day diet plan. My daughter commented I was looking significantly slimmer. I don’t know how much weight I’ve lost as I prefer to not weigh as I don’t believe obsessing with weight or calories is a healthy mindset.
The scientifically researched mix of vitamin supplements together with the packeted vegan soups, nut and cocoa bars and fresh olives were actually really tasty and quite easy to manage for 5 days without feeling faint or too hungry or deprived. I do like my food. .
Prolon do caution no exercise during this period, however I did have a yoga class and dog walks and was fine. .
Intermittent fasting is how I live day to day always leaving 12 hours after my last meal to my first of the following day. And when I can, 2 consecutive days a week, leaving 16-18 hours overnight ( an early supper, no breakfast, late lunch) . Not difficult. .
So these 5 days mimicked this way of eating but with reduced calorific intake. Much the same as the Michael Mosely 1000 cal a day eating plan for helping to reverse type 2 diabetes.
Happy Easter everyone.
I’m now looking forward to family Easter weekend with proper meals which are still healthy and also a bite or two or three of a dark chocolate Easter egg.

@prolonuk @flipside_pr

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There is a wonderful local old fashioned-style greengrocers on the New Kings Road london SW6

There is a wonderful local old fashioned-style greengrocers on the New Kings Road london SW6 that sells an amazing array of loose vegetables-no plastic wrap to be seen- and all sorts of yummy health foods too.
These sunflower, broccoli and kale micro greens have a higher concentration of vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidants and  minerals than normal greens contain. Microgreens are also rich in enzymes, which enable them to be more easily digested.
This lunch I threw together looks huge on the plate but is mostly the microgreens, avocado ( for healthy fats) and wilted spinach ( for iron) 
With a salmon fillet ( for omega3)  griddled for a crispy skin in extra virgin olive oil (healthy oils) .
The sauerkraut is for good gut health, a tablespoon eaten before the meal, .
and a couple of olives can also act as a natural probiotic as well as all their other antioxidant and healthy oil benefits.

There is a wonderful local old fashioned-style greengrocers on the New Kings Road london SW6 that sells an amazing array of loose vegetables-no plastic wrap to be seen- and all sorts of yummy health foods too.
These sunflower, broccoli and kale micro greens have a higher concentration of vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidants and minerals than normal greens contain. Microgreens are also rich in enzymes, which enable them to be more easily digested.
This lunch I threw together looks huge on the plate but is mostly the microgreens, avocado ( for healthy fats) and wilted spinach ( for iron)
With a salmon fillet ( for omega3) griddled for a crispy skin in extra virgin olive oil (healthy oils) .
The sauerkraut is for good gut health, a tablespoon eaten before the meal, .
and a couple of olives can also act as a natural probiotic as well as all their other antioxidant and healthy oil benefits.

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Eat Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Queen

Eat Breakfast like a King, 
Lunch like a Queen. 
Dinner like a Pauper.
My breakfast here was eaten late morning and was a 2 organic egg omelette with spinach and Gruyere cheese (a brand made with raw cow's milk for gut health).
Nutritional science helping our bodies function best evolves all the times with new findings. .
Breakfast doesn't have to be 1st thing in the morning but at least 12 hours after your last meal of the day. This could mean that if you ate last at 8pm then your breakfast is anytime from 8am again.  If you are following an intermittent 16/18 fasting regime (2 consecutive days a week), then your breakfast would be around midday to 2pm. .
Then your subsequent 2 or 3 meals can  be squeezed into an 8 hour window. .

Dinner like a Pauper.
My breakfast here was eaten late morning and was a 2 organic egg omelette with spinach and Gruyere cheese (a brand made with raw cow’s milk for gut health).
Nutritional science helping our bodies function best evolves all the times with new findings. .
Breakfast doesn’t have to be 1st thing in the morning but at least 12 hours after your last meal of the day. This could mean that if you ate last at 8pm then your breakfast is anytime from 8am again. If you are following an intermittent 16/18 fasting regime (2 consecutive days a week), then your breakfast would be around midday to 2pm. .
Then your subsequent 2 or 3 meals can be squeezed into an 8 hour window. .

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With Dr Michael Mosley

With Dr Michael Mosley.
Creator and author of the 5:2 diet and brand The Fast 800.
How to combine rapid weight loss and intermittent fasting for long term health.
Here I am at his talk, Q&A and launch of his new book and diet regime for good gut health and reduction of both external fat/weight and internal visceral fat surrounding the organs. This can reverse Type 2 Diabetes and many other lifestyle illnesses.
This style of eating with intermittent fasting is similar to how I live and eat, and teach my clients to eat. .
I personally choose to have a 12 hour fast overnight into the following day with 2 days a week of 16/18 hours overnight fasting. 
I dont restrict my own calories unless it's after Christmas or after lots of partying or entertaining. 
I do like my food and I like to enjoy life. .
It's a very easy regime to follow and continue as a lifestyle choice -NOT a faddy diet.
It works! 
Apparently Hugh Jackman and Aiden Turner both follow this healthy eating plan too


Creator and author of the 5:2 diet and brand The Fast 800.
How to combine rapid weight loss and intermittent fasting for long term health.
Here I am at his talk, Q&A and launch of his new book and diet regime for good gut health and reduction of both external fat/weight and internal visceral fat surrounding the organs. This can reverse Type 2 Diabetes and many other lifestyle illnesses.
This style of eating with intermittent fasting is similar to how I live and eat, and teach my clients to eat. .
I personally choose to have a 12 hour fast overnight into the following day with 2 days a week of 16/18 hours overnight fasting.
I dont restrict my own calories unless it’s after Christmas or after lots of partying or entertaining.
I do like my food and I like to enjoy life. .
It’s a very easy regime to follow and continue as a lifestyle choice -NOT a faddy diet.
It works!
Apparently Hugh Jackman and Aiden Turner both follow this healthy eating plan too


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Thank you for all hundreds of likes for my last post

Thank you for all hundreds of likes for my last post.
I was not expecting so many.
If you saw this last bikini body post of mine please could you comment on the following: 
Did you like because..
I'm an older woman body-confident enough to wear a bikini?
Because I don't filter -what I post is the reality?
Because there were boobs!?
Because I looked ok?
Informative nutrition and lifestyle eating tips?
Because as a woman yourself I hopefully am inspiring you to be confident and not care what others say 
Please let me know your thoughts as I will adjust my posts accordingly.
Btw, This is my first home cooked lunch continuing on the same protein and good complex carbs eating regime.
Chicken breast pan sauteed in coconut oil.
Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

I was not expecting so many.
If you saw this last bikini body post of mine please could you comment on the following:
Did you like because..
I’m an older woman body-confident enough to wear a bikini?
Because I don’t filter -what I post is the reality?
Because there were boobs!?
Because I looked ok?
Informative nutrition and lifestyle eating tips?
Because as a woman yourself I hopefully am inspiring you to be confident and not care what others say
Please let me know your thoughts as I will adjust my posts accordingly.
Btw, This is my first home cooked lunch continuing on the same protein and good complex carbs eating regime.
Chicken breast pan sauteed in coconut oil.
Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

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