9 years ago when I was guest presenter for QVC TV shopping channel for @bobmackie fashion. .
I would show how clothes can flatter and sculpt your body shape to attract the eye to your best bits and detract from those you like least.
Dressing cleverly is all about creating an illusion whatever your body shape.
Everyone can dress to be the best versions of themselves with no need to use apps or filters on their social media posts.
No celebrity I have ever dressed in all my 30 years as a celebrity stylist has had a perfect body. We are all unique and should embrace our own individuality. .
Tag: beyourselfalways
Final day of my 5 day fast-mimicking Prolon diet.
From tomorrow, I will be eating predominantly vegetables and slowly re-introducing protein with fish and chicken back into my daily diet.
As my 65th birthday approaches, I felt it increasingly important to take stock of my health, returning to healthy eating and regular exercise as it had all gone pear-shaped during the Summer.
Friends say to me “but you look fine as you are” you don’t need to lose weight” but visceral fat ( the internal fat around your organs can also be inside a slim or even skinny person. Also we all know that to look good we need to FEEL good as well.
Visceral fat is a type of body fat that can’t be pinched or seen with the naked eye, and it surrounds vital organs, including the liver, pancreas and kidneys. Keeping levels of visceral fat can reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, the onset of type 2 diabetes and many other illnesses.
With the brilliant Bryony Gordon
With the brilliant Bryony Gordon after her open, honest and funny talk in the first of a series of ” Live Well” inspirational talks at the Hurlingham club.
Loved Bryony and her no filter approach to life and being true and authentic to who she is.
That “we should all be kinder to ourselves”
And “We should say NO more often”
Were two of Bryony’s thoughts that resonated most with me. .
Most women are so self-critical and often feel they are not enough. But they are and should allow themselves to be who they are.
That is why Bryony’s Instagram is always real and never filtered and so is mine too- hopefully to inspire women of all ages.
Never to try to be something they are not.
Be individual and unique.
Great to meet you Bryony and have a chat at the end. .
I really enjoyed listening to you talking spontaneously with no prompts, with your energy and joie de vivre and how you now embrace life sober and grab it by the balls.
@bryonygordon .
Appreciate your life and each day you’re here. You never know what tomorrow brings.
Be grateful for your good health, your happiness, your family, and your ‘inner’ beauty whatever age, body shape or size you are. .
We are all different and unique and that’s what makes each and everyone special.
My photo was from 20 years ago ( so I must have been maybe in my early 40’s as I’m now 64. This was before filters and apps, but beautifully and flatteringly lit by the photographer. .
I know I didn’t appreciate how I looked then and was certainly more critical of myself then than I am now in my old age. .
We all get older and should grow old gracefully or disgracefully if you prefer, whilst being your own person and not caring what others say or how they judge you- especially through social media. .