
Dont be self critical

Dont be self critical. 
No one is perfect, whatever your age.
Dont believe the filters.
No celebrity I have ever styled has been perfect.
Embrace your flaws and love yourself.

No one is perfect, whatever your age.
Dont believe the filters.
No celebrity I have ever styled has been perfect.
Embrace your flaws and love yourself.

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A positive and inspirational quote for the weekend

A positive and inspirational quote for the weekend.

When you're feeling stressed, bored, depressed or feeling any emotion that drives you to eat to feed an emotional void not hunger, take a moment and consider why and choose an alternative action.
It could be a short walk, a swim or any activity that takes you away from the cookie jar or fridge.

When you’re feeling stressed, bored, depressed or feeling any emotion that drives you to eat to feed an emotional void not hunger, take a moment and consider why and choose an alternative action.
It could be a short walk, a swim or any activity that takes you away from the cookie jar or fridge.

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