Here is my 96 year old auntie,
me age 64,
and @misslucy_lou The Westie x Bichon dog. .
Women of all ages can still be naturally beautiful, with no filters applied to enhance or manipulate.
Beauty comes from within and shines out when you’re happy in your own skin, together with confidence, positivity and positive body language. .
Being fake isn’t beautiful.
Being real is.
Be the best you can be in your real life.
Love yourself and believe you are worth it.
Embrace all life has to offer and grab it with both hands and be grateful for everything you have. My 96 year old auntie does and is the funniest and most irreverent person I know.
And she still likes to dress stylishly and glamorously whenever she goes out, always with makeup and definitely lipstick.
Tag: loveyourself
Appreciate your life and each day you’re here. You never know what tomorrow brings.
Be grateful for your good health, your happiness, your family, and your ‘inner’ beauty whatever age, body shape or size you are. .
We are all different and unique and that’s what makes each and everyone special.
My photo was from 20 years ago ( so I must have been maybe in my early 40’s as I’m now 64. This was before filters and apps, but beautifully and flatteringly lit by the photographer. .
I know I didn’t appreciate how I looked then and was certainly more critical of myself then than I am now in my old age. .
We all get older and should grow old gracefully or disgracefully if you prefer, whilst being your own person and not caring what others say or how they judge you- especially through social media. .
Today I did.
I like to practice what I preach….
as they say:
“Walk the walk and talk the talk”.
Now age 64 I am priviliged to be part of an upcoming ad campaign featuring real women.
Launching February 2019.
Watch this space.
Thank you @janine_witherspoon mua for such a lovely natural make-up.
Dont be self critical
Thought for the day
Discussing what’s real and what’s not. Filters and self image, self confidence and body confidence. How to make social media work for you in the future and not become addicted and have anxiety.
Thank you to @ursuline_prep school.
Loved interacting with your girls. They were beautifully behaved, interested and interesting, and asked me loads of questions after my presentation talk and told me some of their personal stories which all had positive endings. .
I help my 121 clients to be the best versions of themselves they can be. But that doesn’t mean they have to look perfect, live a perfect life or have a perfect relationship to be happy.
Happiness is a state of mind that is ever changing. It’s defined by the ups and downs in your life that create your happy moments. .
So for your happiness, don’t compare and wish that you can achieve/ have what you see on others’ Instagram posts. Your own happiness will be from your own life achievements and personal goals however small. .
My talks include social media-the positives and negatives, body image, comparison anxieties, bullying and exclusion, mental health and all issues to do with feeling good about yourself. .
I was a celebrity stylist for over 30 years and now work with private and corporate clients with lifestyle, image and life change and have seen how the relationship with food and eating habits can affect people’s lives, their mental health and well-being. .
I took a nutrition degree over the last few years to add to my expertise and knowledge of how to help my clients with a healthy balanced lifestyle.
I want my clients to be the best versions of themselves they can be. .