“How you see yourself.
And then,
“How you think others see you.
“How you’d like others to see you.”
Do your three answers match?
They rarely do……
Style Your Life blog with celebrity stylist and image consultant Ceril Campbell
Ask your friends or your family how they see you?
The answer will always be more positive than how you believe they perceive you and how you see yourself.
You will be so surprised
Think of one word to describe ……
“How you see yourself.
“How you think others see you.
“How you’d like others to see you.”
And start asking….
Did your three answers match?
I want you to love what you see in the mirror.
The same as how others see you.
That unique, glamorous, confident, sexy, ageless beautiful woman who doesn’t compare herself to others.
The tonal colour of your hair can lift and illuminate your face.
Or can drain if wrong.
It’s so important to make sure your blonde tones do work for you.
It’s not about how blonde you are. Creamy tones are best. Never brassy or yellow.
Today I’m wearing:
Snakeskin jeans this season.
Cashmere sweater #M&S last year
Studded trainers last year
Westie x bichon @misslucy_lou 9 years old! .
My talks include social media-the positives and negatives, body image, comparison anxieties, bullying and exclusion, mental health and all issues to do with feeling good about yourself. .
I was a celebrity stylist for over 30 years and now work with private and corporate clients with lifestyle, image and life change and have seen how the relationship with food and eating habits can affect people’s lives, their mental health and well-being. .
I took a nutrition degree over the last few years to add to my expertise and knowledge of how to help my clients with a healthy balanced lifestyle.
I want my clients to be the best versions of themselves they can be. .