Age 64.
Its important to stay flexible as you grow older.
Not necessarily as flexible as myself as I have hyper-mobility which is not a good thing so I have to be careful to not over-stretch.
Especially as I had a hip resurface ( like Andy Murray) a few years ago.
However exercising, stretching and moving every day, even if its just a 20 min dog walk will make a difference to your body, how you feel and also your mental health.
Tag: dontcompareyourself
Think of one word to describe
Ask your friends or your family how they see you?
The answer will always be more positive than how you believe they perceive you and how you see yourself.
You will be so surprised
Think of one word to describe ……
“How you see yourself.
“How you think others see you.
“How you’d like others to see you.”
And start asking….
Did your three answers match?
I want you to love what you see in the mirror.
The same as how others see you.
That unique, glamorous, confident, sexy, ageless beautiful woman who doesn’t compare herself to others.
Whatever your bodyshape or size be confident in how you are naturally with no Insta filters.
Don’t let people fat shame, body shame or make you feel bad about your body. .
We are all unique in our personalities, appearance and bodyshapes and that’s what makes you special.
So although I had a 6lb weightloss after 7 nights @grayshottspa on the Health Regime it should not be about actual weight loss but more importantly about visceral body fat ( the fat that collects internally around your vital organs) which can lead to diabetes, heart disease and more.
So for an ongoing healthy lifestyle diet try to leave out:
Simple carbs ( all “white” foods such as bread, pastries, cakes, flour, potatoes, rice, pasta ) that turn into sugar
Fruits high in sugar ( grapes, bananas)
Fruit juices ( high in sugar even if fresh)
Processed meats
Unhealthy processed cooking oils ( rapeseed, sunflower etc)
Grains if you’re sensitive to them
Low fat foods ( full fat best as our bodies need fat to feel fuller longer and to function well- especially the brain) .
Eat mainly :
( if you can)
Protein- organic eggs, poultry, grass fed beef, lamb, pork
Oily fish such as wild or organic salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines ( for Omega3)
Organic leafy and colourful vegs, and a few root vegs.
Nuts and seeds ( non salted)
And full fat yoghurts ( Greek) and unpasteurised cheeses ( not if you’re pregnant)
Fermented foods such as Sauerkraut and Kefir.
Good first press extra virgin Olive oil and coconut oil and good butter.
If you are Vegan or Vegetarian then obviously there is no meat or dairy but do check if your foods or dairy alternatives have high sugar content.
When life offers you an opportunity outside your comfort zone seize it with both hands and go for it.
I have just done this. .
Many of my age would not. I’m 64. They would say ” You’re brave, I wouldn’t do this, but well done.” .
Watch this space. .
I am going to be part of an exciting campaign that is something I would never have considered doing a few years ago. .
I’m braver now and I have to walk the walk and talk the talk if I am going to inspire and bang on about positive body image, confidence and being yourself whatever age, shape or size you are with no filters. .
Be bold. Be brave. Be you.
I help my 121 clients to be the best versions of themselves they can be. But that doesn’t mean they have to look perfect, live a perfect life or have a perfect relationship to be happy.
Happiness is a state of mind that is ever changing. It’s defined by the ups and downs in your life that create your happy moments. .
So for your happiness, don’t compare and wish that you can achieve/ have what you see on others’ Instagram posts. Your own happiness will be from your own life achievements and personal goals however small. .