Sometimes we all need to focus on ourselves with a little self-care when life has been super-stressful. Especially at this time of the year.
My go-to treat is the rejuvenating non- invasive BDR facial.
Administered this time by Veni- the owner of
@le_boutique_spa in London NW1. She was excellent and very professional in her attention to detail. Many of her clients are French which says a lot about how good she is. I’ ve always found that French women are especially particular about their beauty regimes.
My no-makeup, bad hair selfie- with newly glowing skin was taken straight after the facial.
I’m with Veni who is her own best advertisement as an aesthetic clinician. .
Before the Summer I had my first four BDR facials at the also excellent @eleniqueskinclinic in Fulham. I like trying out various beauty salons and clinics which have been recommended to me. These initial treatments made a significant difference to my skin quality, deep wrinkles and sun-damage pigmentation.
The facial includes
peel+ dermabrasion
Microneedles + serum
Massage + LED
Tag: nofilterselfie
In my case…. Zara jacket ( last season)
Leather-look jeans ( current season Zara)
Black patent stiletto boots. ( vintage) .
In my opinion first date clothes should appear understated and thrown together stylishly.
Like you made an effort to look nice but didn’t try too hard.
Never lots of cleavage and lots of leg together-only one or the other. .
I like to dress age appropriately , never the mutton dressed as lamb, but I do still like to wear clothes with an edge.
As I am age 60+ my skirts or dresses aren’t ever shorter than knee length and only a glimpse of cleavage not too much.
Not everything on show.
Less is always more.
However shoes can definitely always be sexy whatever your age.
Dress to suit your body shape and size, and create optical illusions to flatter your best bits and detract from your least favourite bits. .
I always want my clients to feel confident and love themselves when they look in the mirror. .
It’s the whole of you that’s attractive -your personality, your confidence and your body language. .
No one is judging you in real life. .
Be positive and dress to impress.
First impressions count.
With Dr Michael Mosley
Creator and author of the 5:2 diet and brand The Fast 800.
How to combine rapid weight loss and intermittent fasting for long term health.
Here I am at his talk, Q&A and launch of his new book and diet regime for good gut health and reduction of both external fat/weight and internal visceral fat surrounding the organs. This can reverse Type 2 Diabetes and many other lifestyle illnesses.
This style of eating with intermittent fasting is similar to how I live and eat, and teach my clients to eat. .
I personally choose to have a 12 hour fast overnight into the following day with 2 days a week of 16/18 hours overnight fasting.
I dont restrict my own calories unless it’s after Christmas or after lots of partying or entertaining.
I do like my food and I like to enjoy life. .
It’s a very easy regime to follow and continue as a lifestyle choice -NOT a faddy diet.
It works!
Apparently Hugh Jackman and Aiden Turner both follow this healthy eating plan too
Whatever your bodyshape or size be confident in how you are naturally with no Insta filters.
Don’t let people fat shame, body shame or make you feel bad about your body. .
We are all unique in our personalities, appearance and bodyshapes and that’s what makes you special.
So although I had a 6lb weightloss after 7 nights @grayshottspa on the Health Regime it should not be about actual weight loss but more importantly about visceral body fat ( the fat that collects internally around your vital organs) which can lead to diabetes, heart disease and more.
So for an ongoing healthy lifestyle diet try to leave out:
Simple carbs ( all “white” foods such as bread, pastries, cakes, flour, potatoes, rice, pasta ) that turn into sugar
Fruits high in sugar ( grapes, bananas)
Fruit juices ( high in sugar even if fresh)
Processed meats
Unhealthy processed cooking oils ( rapeseed, sunflower etc)
Grains if you’re sensitive to them
Low fat foods ( full fat best as our bodies need fat to feel fuller longer and to function well- especially the brain) .
Eat mainly :
( if you can)
Protein- organic eggs, poultry, grass fed beef, lamb, pork
Oily fish such as wild or organic salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines ( for Omega3)
Organic leafy and colourful vegs, and a few root vegs.
Nuts and seeds ( non salted)
And full fat yoghurts ( Greek) and unpasteurised cheeses ( not if you’re pregnant)
Fermented foods such as Sauerkraut and Kefir.
Good first press extra virgin Olive oil and coconut oil and good butter.
If you are Vegan or Vegetarian then obviously there is no meat or dairy but do check if your foods or dairy alternatives have high sugar content.
Last day Day #7 @grayshottspa
First day in the gym with personal trainer John.
You will see my efforts in future posts…
A mix of HIIT and strengthening exercises particularly for the quads.
The glutes and hamstrings and core and are working well together from my pilates fitness..
What was it that French man Jann Moix wrote today about women over 50 being too old to love? And that women in their 20s are the only ones worth dating.
Well I’m 64 and still going strong so he’s talking a load of old tosh.