
With Dr Michael Mosley

With Dr Michael Mosley.
Creator and author of the 5:2 diet and brand The Fast 800.
How to combine rapid weight loss and intermittent fasting for long term health.
Here I am at his talk, Q&A and launch of his new book and diet regime for good gut health and reduction of both external fat/weight and internal visceral fat surrounding the organs. This can reverse Type 2 Diabetes and many other lifestyle illnesses.
This style of eating with intermittent fasting is similar to how I live and eat, and teach my clients to eat. .
I personally choose to have a 12 hour fast overnight into the following day with 2 days a week of 16/18 hours overnight fasting. 
I dont restrict my own calories unless it's after Christmas or after lots of partying or entertaining. 
I do like my food and I like to enjoy life. .
It's a very easy regime to follow and continue as a lifestyle choice -NOT a faddy diet.
It works! 
Apparently Hugh Jackman and Aiden Turner both follow this healthy eating plan too


Creator and author of the 5:2 diet and brand The Fast 800.
How to combine rapid weight loss and intermittent fasting for long term health.
Here I am at his talk, Q&A and launch of his new book and diet regime for good gut health and reduction of both external fat/weight and internal visceral fat surrounding the organs. This can reverse Type 2 Diabetes and many other lifestyle illnesses.
This style of eating with intermittent fasting is similar to how I live and eat, and teach my clients to eat. .
I personally choose to have a 12 hour fast overnight into the following day with 2 days a week of 16/18 hours overnight fasting.
I dont restrict my own calories unless it’s after Christmas or after lots of partying or entertaining.
I do like my food and I like to enjoy life. .
It’s a very easy regime to follow and continue as a lifestyle choice -NOT a faddy diet.
It works!
Apparently Hugh Jackman and Aiden Turner both follow this healthy eating plan too


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Did you know cocoa powder is full of fibre which is good for you?

Did you know cocoa powder is full of fibre which is good for you? 
This is the chocolate kidney bean cake recipe from Dr Michael Mosley's GP wife,  and creator of recipes in his intermittent fasting 5:2 diet regimes and his new book 'Thefast800'.
I road tested it when meeting Dr Mosley and his wife this morning and can confirm it's yummy and healthy. .
Ingredients ( Sorry not got actual recipe quantities): Cocoa powder 
Kidney beans
Coconut oil


This is the chocolate kidney bean cake recipe from Dr Michael Mosley’s GP wife, and creator of recipes in his intermittent fasting 5:2 diet regimes and his new book ‘Thefast800’.
I road tested it when meeting Dr Mosley and his wife this morning and can confirm it’s yummy and healthy. .
Ingredients ( Sorry not got actual recipe quantities): Cocoa powder
Kidney beans
Coconut oil


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