The beginning of a detox week.
First meal of Monday, 16 hours since the last meal on Sunday evening. .
Day started first thing with mug of hot water, lemon and ginger.
Expresso coffee mid-morning.
Sauerkraut and a small glass Kefir before the main meal of the day:
Organic 2 egg omelette, salad leaves, smashed avocado with chillies, and drizzle of olive oil and some chopped parsley.
Cup of ‘white’ not green, herbal tea at tea-time.
At around 6pm this evening’s supper is a large cup of chicken and vegetable bone broth. .
Then a 12 hour fast until Tuesday.
Tag: guthealth
There is a wonderful local old fashioned-style greengrocers on the New Kings Road london SW6 that sells an amazing array of loose vegetables-no plastic wrap to be seen- and all sorts of yummy health foods too.
These sunflower, broccoli and kale micro greens have a higher concentration of vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidants and minerals than normal greens contain. Microgreens are also rich in enzymes, which enable them to be more easily digested.
This lunch I threw together looks huge on the plate but is mostly the microgreens, avocado ( for healthy fats) and wilted spinach ( for iron)
With a salmon fillet ( for omega3) griddled for a crispy skin in extra virgin olive oil (healthy oils) .
The sauerkraut is for good gut health, a tablespoon eaten before the meal, .
and a couple of olives can also act as a natural probiotic as well as all their other antioxidant and healthy oil benefits.
Dinner like a Pauper.
My breakfast here was eaten late morning and was a 2 organic egg omelette with spinach and Gruyere cheese (a brand made with raw cow’s milk for gut health).
Nutritional science helping our bodies function best evolves all the times with new findings. .
Breakfast doesn’t have to be 1st thing in the morning but at least 12 hours after your last meal of the day. This could mean that if you ate last at 8pm then your breakfast is anytime from 8am again. If you are following an intermittent 16/18 fasting regime (2 consecutive days a week), then your breakfast would be around midday to 2pm. .
Then your subsequent 2 or 3 meals can be squeezed into an 8 hour window. .
With Dr Michael Mosley
Creator and author of the 5:2 diet and brand The Fast 800.
How to combine rapid weight loss and intermittent fasting for long term health.
Here I am at his talk, Q&A and launch of his new book and diet regime for good gut health and reduction of both external fat/weight and internal visceral fat surrounding the organs. This can reverse Type 2 Diabetes and many other lifestyle illnesses.
This style of eating with intermittent fasting is similar to how I live and eat, and teach my clients to eat. .
I personally choose to have a 12 hour fast overnight into the following day with 2 days a week of 16/18 hours overnight fasting.
I dont restrict my own calories unless it’s after Christmas or after lots of partying or entertaining.
I do like my food and I like to enjoy life. .
It’s a very easy regime to follow and continue as a lifestyle choice -NOT a faddy diet.
It works!
Apparently Hugh Jackman and Aiden Turner both follow this healthy eating plan too
Whatever your bodyshape or size be confident in how you are naturally with no Insta filters.
Don’t let people fat shame, body shame or make you feel bad about your body. .
We are all unique in our personalities, appearance and bodyshapes and that’s what makes you special.
So although I had a 6lb weightloss after 7 nights @grayshottspa on the Health Regime it should not be about actual weight loss but more importantly about visceral body fat ( the fat that collects internally around your vital organs) which can lead to diabetes, heart disease and more.
So for an ongoing healthy lifestyle diet try to leave out:
Simple carbs ( all “white” foods such as bread, pastries, cakes, flour, potatoes, rice, pasta ) that turn into sugar
Fruits high in sugar ( grapes, bananas)
Fruit juices ( high in sugar even if fresh)
Processed meats
Unhealthy processed cooking oils ( rapeseed, sunflower etc)
Grains if you’re sensitive to them
Low fat foods ( full fat best as our bodies need fat to feel fuller longer and to function well- especially the brain) .
Eat mainly :
( if you can)
Protein- organic eggs, poultry, grass fed beef, lamb, pork
Oily fish such as wild or organic salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines ( for Omega3)
Organic leafy and colourful vegs, and a few root vegs.
Nuts and seeds ( non salted)
And full fat yoghurts ( Greek) and unpasteurised cheeses ( not if you’re pregnant)
Fermented foods such as Sauerkraut and Kefir.
Good first press extra virgin Olive oil and coconut oil and good butter.
If you are Vegan or Vegetarian then obviously there is no meat or dairy but do check if your foods or dairy alternatives have high sugar content.
Last supper #day7 @grayshottspa
Day #6 @grayshottspa #regime
#Day5 @grayshottspa
@grayshottspa Day #4
Breakfast: Scrambled egg and mushrooms.
Lunch: Soup and Thai chicken curry and vegs.
Dinner: Soup and salmon and vegs.
Healthy low carb and protein food, no grains, no milk, all deliciously prepared, cooked and presented. .
Health regime treatments today
Epsom salts hydrotherapy bath
Detox castor oil liver pack .