Tag: confidenceissexy
When you want to blend into the scenery…..
What you wear should bring you joy and make you feel good.
Wearing colour does for me..
Wearing skirt from @hm
Tshirt from @marksandspencer
Denim jacket vintage
Gold sequin shoes @tkmaxxuk
Bag @goyardofficial
Sunglasses @tkmaxxuk Maxx.
Think of one word to describe
Ask your friends or your family how they see you?
The answer will always be more positive than how you believe they perceive you and how you see yourself.
You will be so surprised
Think of one word to describe ……
“How you see yourself.
“How you think others see you.
“How you’d like others to see you.”
And start asking….
Did your three answers match?
I want you to love what you see in the mirror.
The same as how others see you.
That unique, glamorous, confident, sexy, ageless beautiful woman who doesn’t compare herself to others.
I created my Instagram to inspire and help women of all ages to be body positive and non-judgemental or super-critical of themselves or others. .
And to see what we look like with no filters.. .
No one is perfect. But we can all be the best versions of ourselves wrinkles, warts and all- everything that makes each of us unique.
C’est flatteur de recevoir ces critiques. Merci.
And thank you to all my new French followers. .
With thanks to the talented @rory_photo
Age is just a number!
Here is my 96 year old auntie,
me age 64,
and @misslucy_lou The Westie x Bichon dog. .
Women of all ages can still be naturally beautiful, with no filters applied to enhance or manipulate.
Beauty comes from within and shines out when you’re happy in your own skin, together with confidence, positivity and positive body language. .
Being fake isn’t beautiful.
Being real is.
Be the best you can be in your real life.
Love yourself and believe you are worth it.
Embrace all life has to offer and grab it with both hands and be grateful for everything you have. My 96 year old auntie does and is the funniest and most irreverent person I know.
And she still likes to dress stylishly and glamorously whenever she goes out, always with makeup and definitely lipstick.
Back in day
Circa 1970s
Wearing Kenzo.
It’s a shame that our younger selves don’t appreciate or realise how good we look at the time and beat ourselves up wanting to be an improved version. Slimmer, curvier, longer legs, bigger boobs etc etc.
Love yourself and love what you see in the mirror as you are now.
Accept your imperfections. They are what make you unique. .
Be confident in who you are.
Confidence is sexy.