Birthday haircut
With my fave hairdresser
Rejuvenated with my first haircut for 3 months after the Summer.
A good haircut is better than any new dress or shoes.
Makes you feel so much better.
Style Your Life blog with celebrity stylist and image consultant Ceril Campbell
The Summer wardrobe is finally having an airing this week.
Summer has arrived in London at the same time as my busiest fun week of the year.
It makes a change to wear real clothes instead of daily fitness kit lycra which everyone walks around London in, even if they’re not going to the gym.
Girls night out with Marcia McCabe at my cousin Russ Kane’s pre-Edinburgh festival warm up gig at the Albany pub, London. .
Wearing halter neck silk top and limited edition customised jeans from Zara ( summer 2018) and vintage denim jacket.
I can remember a newspaoer article a while ago saying at what age are you too old to wear jeans? .
I say never too old.
The tonal colour of your hair can lift and illuminate your face.
Or can drain if wrong.
It’s so important to make sure your blonde tones do work for you.
It’s not about how blonde you are. Creamy tones are best. Never brassy or yellow.
Today I’m wearing:
Snakeskin jeans this season.
Cashmere sweater #M&S last year
Studded trainers last year
Westie x bichon @misslucy_lou 9 years old! .
Haircut day. No make-up selfie. No filters.
Thank you @andyatagency as always.
Thank you @chanelnott for my blondeness.
Love my 2 favourite hairdressers.
As you get older often shorter hair cuts can be more flattering as they frame and lift the face instead of the impression of dragging down.. Also the correct hair colour tone is very important too as it can make so much difference to flattering or draining your skin tones. .
Thank you @andyatreal and @chanelnott @realhairlondon
Shorter and blonder!
Loving it
However this is a no-makeup selfie with no filters.
Be warned!
My usual basic makeup is Laura Mercier nude tinted foundation, Nars orgasm blusher, and most importantly eyebrows darkened with pencil or dye as they make such a huge framing difference to the face and last but not least some mascara.
Hopefully not looking too bad for a sixty year old with no makeup standing together with my Thai-boxing superfit hairdresser Andy!