Categories Lifestyle Tbt Post author By ceril Post date Thursday, December 13, 2018 1970s. In my 20s. Appreciate each year of your life at the time. When you look back you will wonder why you didn’t…. . . . . . Share this post Tags 1970sfashion, 60plusandfabulous, 70sfashion, appreciatewhatyouhave, backintheday, bodyconfidence, farrahfawcetthair, fashion, inmy20s, loveyourself, me, modelling, nofilter, nofilterneeded, nofilterselfie, pinksilk, posing, positivebodyimage, selfie, style, tbt, tbthursday, tryingtolookcool, tryingtolooksexy, tryingtopose, vintage, vintageclothing, vintagestyle, youreworthit