I was not expecting so many.
If you saw this last bikini body post of mine please could you comment on the following:
Did you like because..
I’m an older woman body-confident enough to wear a bikini?
Because I don’t filter -what I post is the reality?
Because there were boobs!?
Because I looked ok?
Informative nutrition and lifestyle eating tips?
Because as a woman yourself I hopefully am inspiring you to be confident and not care what others say
Please let me know your thoughts as I will adjust my posts accordingly.
Btw, This is my first home cooked lunch continuing on the same protein and good complex carbs eating regime.
Chicken breast pan sauteed in coconut oil.
Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.
Tag: bikini
I work with clients for lifestyle, image and lifechange.
So many women don’t love their bodies and often won’t even look in the mirror.
Be proud of who you are.
@bryonygordon (@get_repost)
It’s that time of year when people start to worry about getting bikini-body ready. As someone better than me once said: get a bikini, put it on your body, and you’re ready! I stopped using filters a while ago (other than to make a picture clearer when the light is shit). In this photo I’ve decided to use the delicious rolls of flab that I have had since I stopped giving a fuck about what anybody thinks about my body. And I don’t know if I mentioned, but I ran a marathon with those rolls of flab. So whatever your shape or size this summer, own it. And if you don’t think you can own it, just channel your inner swan princess instead. Because ANYONE can rock a giant pool inflatable. with thanks to @lauralouisewilkins for the giant pool inflatable and the pic. EDIT: bikini by @debenhams