Categories Lifestyle My selfie bikini shot after 6 months of working hard with life change exercise and diet #nofilter Post author By ceril Post date Saturday, September 2, 2017 Proud of what I’ve achieved so far in 8 months with my own fitness regime and healhy eating. I’m 62. I’m still working to an end result Small steps on a long journey. Share this post Tags agesixty, bikini, bikinibody, bikiniselfie, diet, fit, fitness, fitspo, forgotthemoisturiser, inspire, lifechange, lifecoach, lifestyle, motivate, nofilter, nofilters, nofilterselfie, nofiltersneeded, nomakeup, nude, olderwomen, positivebodyimage, positivity, weightloss, weightlossjourney, weightlosstransformation, youcandoit