It’s so special horseriding along a beach. It makes you feel happy, blessed and so grateful to be healthy and well and lucky to be able to do such a thing.
Tag: beach
Early morning beach walk time
For a healthy gut which helps you to be healthy overall, if you leave 12 hours between your last evening meal and your breakfast/brunch/first meal of the day you are giving your digestive system a chance to digest and rest.
Take your exercise before this first meal of the day.
20 mins fast walking or 20 mins HIT exercise will help your weightloss programme.. .
My human’s breakfast is the healthier one of the two on the table with the poached eggs(protein) with smashed avocado(good fats) on granary toast(complex carbs-low glycaemic index that helos keep blood sugar levels more constant) and crispy bacon( protein). And an Espresso coffee
The other is eggs Benedict (white muffin-simple carbs-not so good has a high Glycaemic index which creates blood sugar spikes) hollandaise sauce-eggs and olive oil protein and good fats if made with extra virgin olive oil- not made with a mix of processed and refined oils). And an Americano coffee. The black expresso is a better option. .