However I ended up with a veggie brunch! .
Scrambled eggs, wilted spinach, mushrooms, grilled halloumi cheese, 7-seeded sourdough toast, spicy chilli tomato relish, smashed avocado.
Tag: brunch
However lets call this brunch as I waited 16 hours from my last meal of yesterday to 10am today to eat.
This is my intermittent fasting regime where I wait 16-18 hours between dinner and breakfast. I then squeeze the only other meal of the day into a small window of time before 6pm again. .
This is my easy to do solution to an ongoing lifestyle weight maintenance ( NOT diet) when I know I am going to need to be feeling and looking my best.
And this is how I help my clients when they want to lose weight and have been historically unsuccessful over the years with yo-yo dieting.
Its not calorie restrictive, however it is restrictive on cutting out all sugar, white simple carbs like potatoes, cakes, pastry, pasta, and most wheat and grains.
There is sourdough toast in my photo today but sometimes a little of what you fancy is better than denying yourself and craving it. .
And yes, I did put butter on the toast too as eating some healthy fats will satisfy and help you feel fuller longer.
Sunday breakfast
Poached eggs and smashed avocado on a slice of granary toast, with chopped chillies to sprinkle on top snd some watercress snd spinach leaves.
A hot water with a slice of lemon to start and an Expresso to finish.
Sunday is one of the few days I have a slice of toast treat. The rest of the week is wheat free as much as possible. A mostly wheat and grain free lifestyle helps me to keep at an even weight and not bloat.
Also leaving a minimum of 12 hours from my last meal of the previous evening to the next day breakfast or first meal of the day gives the digestive system a rest for good gut health.
My human’s breakfast is the healthier one of the two on the table with the poached eggs(protein) with smashed avocado(good fats) on granary toast(complex carbs-low glycaemic index that helos keep blood sugar levels more constant) and crispy bacon( protein). And an Espresso coffee
The other is eggs Benedict (white muffin-simple carbs-not so good has a high Glycaemic index which creates blood sugar spikes) hollandaise sauce-eggs and olive oil protein and good fats if made with extra virgin olive oil- not made with a mix of processed and refined oils). And an Americano coffee. The black expresso is a better option. .
Friday’s veggie brunch
Eggs from the local farm shop chickens, seeded wholemeal bread from the Island Bakery with rather a generous spread of organic butter, wilted spinach, beef tomato slices, avocado and mushrooms.
I always eat breakfast or brunch straight after working out, or doing any fitness or exercise. Healthy mix of carbs and protein and good fats. .
Usually wheat free but today fancied a snall slice of sourdough toast with smashed avocado and some mixed seeds sprinkled on top. Good carbs and healthy fats.
Organic scrambled eggs for protein
Smoked salmon for Omega3
A small grilled tomato.
Lasted all day on this big breakfast until an early supper.