Style Your Life blog with celebrity stylist and image consultant Ceril Campbell
Sloppy, Sunday comfy dressing. .
My posts are always non-filtered and exactly how I look that day. .
It shouldn’t be necessary to filter, Facetune, or create a social media enhanced perfect version of yourself. .
NO celebrity or client I have ever styled or dressed for the Red Carpet has had a perfect body or skin. You can always aspire to be the best version of yourself but your imperfections are what make you unique.
Be confident enough in your own self-image and body-image to not judge or compare yourself to others, especially others’ fitered Instagram posts. They’re not real.
Tshirt dress: Primark
Sweater: Zadig and Voltaire
Metallic trainers: Superga
Specs: People
Poached eggs and smashed avocado on a slice of granary toast, with chopped chillies to sprinkle on top snd some watercress snd spinach leaves.
A hot water with a slice of lemon to start and an Expresso to finish.
Sunday is one of the few days I have a slice of toast treat. The rest of the week is wheat free as much as possible. A mostly wheat and grain free lifestyle helps me to keep at an even weight and not bloat.
Also leaving a minimum of 12 hours from my last meal of the previous evening to the next day breakfast or first meal of the day gives the digestive system a rest for good gut health.
My human’s breakfast is the healthier one of the two on the table with the poached eggs(protein) with smashed avocado(good fats) on granary toast(complex carbs-low glycaemic index that helos keep blood sugar levels more constant) and crispy bacon( protein). And an Espresso coffee
The other is eggs Benedict (white muffin-simple carbs-not so good has a high Glycaemic index which creates blood sugar spikes) hollandaise sauce-eggs and olive oil protein and good fats if made with extra virgin olive oil- not made with a mix of processed and refined oils). And an Americano coffee. The black expresso is a better option. .