
Sometimes when you fancy an instant homemade curry

Sometimes when you fancy an instant homemade curry.

Found this packet curry soup in the Health food shop which had all natural ingredients, no additives wheat or sugar and was properly delicious. 
I simply added boiled water to the powder. 
It had turmeric, cumin and chiĺli, all excellent anti-inflammatory spices and great for health and weight loss.
To make the soup more of a substantial supper I added some cauliflower, broccoli and spinach and cashew nuts.

Found this packet curry soup in the Health food shop which had all natural ingredients, no additives wheat or sugar and was properly delicious.
I simply added boiled water to the powder.
It had turmeric, cumin and chiĺli, all excellent anti-inflammatory spices and great for health and weight loss.
To make the soup more of a substantial supper I added some cauliflower, broccoli and spinach and cashew nuts.

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