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Sunday 8th May 2016 chatting on BBC Local radio stations nationwide, with Georgey Spanswick on style, fashion, and what you maybe can and cannot wear age 50+.
As I myself am in that age bracket and would like to age disgracefully, never looking like the proverbial “mutton”
I would say to all women age 50+, dress to suit your body shape, colouring, proportions and what works for your personal/public “brand.” and personality.
Feel happy and confident in yourself and it will show whatever you are wearing.
Be your best you!
Your brand is how you wish others to perceive you.
That “1st Impressions” moment.
So in wearing a pair of on trend fishnets and metallic shoes together with a pair of plain grey jeans says to me that Georgey would like to be seen as fun and cool, Never mumsy or boring. In teaming the fishnets and silver loafers with a pair of plain grey jeans Georgey has shown that less is always more.
Add a statement or two to your basic neutral clothes and you will always appear age-appropriate.
Learn more about how to be your best you with my book “Discover the New You” Celebrity stylist secrets to transform your life.
or contact me for a 1-2-1 or online webinar or tutorial.