Categories Lifestyle Loved this new high energy fitness class @slicefitness #slicestudios #coredeforce It was a non-contact mix of marshall arts kick-boxing and boxing moves and sequences to music #fun #exercise #fitness #fun #youcandoit #youneverknowtillyoutry #weightlossjourney #trysomethingnew #kickboxing #kickboxinggirl #boxing #boxingtraining #lifestyle #lifechange #hiit #hiitworkout #olderwomen #age60plus #inspire #motivate #grateful Post author By ceril Post date Thursday, September 14, 2017 Loved this new high energy fitness class @slicefitness It was a non-contact mix of marshall arts kick-boxing and boxing moves and sequences to music Share this post Tags age60plus, boxing, boxingtraining, coredeforce, exercise, fitness, fun, grateful, hiit, hiitworkout, inspire, kickboxing, kickboxinggirl, lifechange, lifestyle, motivate, olderwomen, slicestudios, trysomethingnew, weightlossjourney, youcandoit, youneverknowtillyoutry