With the lovely Suman -the go-to guru of microblading brows.
I’m wearing…..
Blue fur filet-Joseph
Blue cashmere sweater-M&S
Tracky bottom leggings-Zara
Blonder hair again with thanks to @chanelnott
Style Your Life blog with celebrity stylist and image consultant Ceril Campbell
Low carb and protein Thai lunch on London’s Kings road Chelsea. My favourite little cafe with Thai street food. Yummy healthy and inexpensive. I always ask the rice noodles to be replaced with vegetables so they add extra broccoli and leaves.
The base ingredient of a Laksa is coconut milk which has loads of health benefits:
Improves Heart Health by Lowering Blood Pressure and Cholesterol.. Builds Muscle and Helps Lose Fat. .
Provides Electrolytes and Prevents Fatigue. … Helps Lose Weight. … Improves Digestion and Relieves Constipation. … Manages Blood Sugar and Controls Diabetes. … Helps Prevent Anemia.