
Post exercise healthy breakfast- First home cooked breakfast after week regime @grayshottspa

Post exercise healthy breakfast- First home cooked breakfast after week regime @grayshottspa .

A 2-egg omelette cooked in organic unpasteurised butter (Waitrose) with avocado and wilted spinach with a little butter.
Good fats in the avocado and butter, eat moderate amount of good fats to help to burn off and not retain body fat ,  Omega 3 from the flax seed oil, protein in the egg and good carbs and vits in the spinach.


A 2-egg omelette cooked in organic unpasteurised butter (Waitrose) with avocado and wilted spinach with a little butter.
Good fats in the avocado and butter, eat moderate amount of good fats to help to burn off and not retain body fat , Omega 3 from the flax seed oil, protein in the egg and good carbs and vits in the spinach.


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