You can see me in my video clip wearing the inflating Body Ballancer compression garment during the 45 min treatment session.
(Definitely not looking my most glam today-) .
The gentle, rhythmic inflating action felt relaxing as it gave my body- from toes to tum- a circulation-boosting lymphatic drainage massage.
This can improve the appearance of cellulite and skin quality, reduce bloating and help fluid retention, even taking you down a dress size before a red carpet event. .
It can be used after sport to help muscle recovery by eliminating toxins more speedily through the improved lymphatic drainage system. .
It’s the go-to body contouring treatment for many celebrities.
Due also to the improvement of increased oxygenated blood flow, this treatment can also help speed up healing and reduce inflammation after any fat-freezing, laser, or ultrasound liposculpture treatments. .
I have tried over the years – manual lymphatic drainage massages and Endermology treatments to help improve cellulite, and the Universal Contour Bodywrap.
but the Body Ballancer treatment is much more pleasant and relaxing and you don’t even have to undress. .
Tag: cellulite
When legs feel and look heavy, Endermology can help their appearance whilst you are on your weightloss regime and body transformation journey.
Yes those are my legs…and this treatment helps me a lot.
It’s a roller which is used over your body (whilst you wear a special body stocking). The action of the machine helps lymphatic drainage ( in fact cancer treatment patients have this treatment too to help their lymph drainage)
It helps reduce cellulite, skin elasticity, skin tone and skin quality.
A couple of sessions a week over a few months and then an occasional maintenance one definitely makes a difference.