Categories Lifestyle Back in the Pilates Reformer studio One leg in table top, the other doing straight leg raises to the highest Post author By ceril Post date Saturday, October 21, 2017 All the time keeping the hips stable, core engaged and spine in neutral-not flat to the reformer. Share this post Tags age60plus, bodypositive, core, corestrength, feelgood, fitnesstraining, fitnessworkout, inspire, lifechange, lifestyle, motivate, olderwoman, pilates, pilatesbody, pilatesfit, pilatesreformer, positive, weekend, weightlossjourney, workout ← Looking at the weather this morning it feels so long ago that I was doing my morning workouts on the beach #workout #morningmotivation #morning #exercisewithyourdog #exercise #fitness #life #lifechange #motivate #inspire #healthy #healthylifestyle #positivity #weightlossjourney → Finally over flu and back to a barrecore class Always have a protein breakfast straight after a workout