Categories Lifestyle Todays outfit for my channel 4 TV screentest this morning Tags on where i got the look #orange #autumn #weightlosstransformation #styledbyme #style #selfie #nofilter #olderwomen #fiftyplus #fiftyisnotold $sixtyisnotold #age60plus #inspire #motivate #life #lifecoach #lifechange #fashion #styled Post author By ceril Post date Tuesday, September 26, 2017 Todays outfit for my channel 4 TV screentest this morning Tags on where i got the look $sixtyisnotold Share this post Tags age60plus, autumn, fashion, fiftyisnotold, fiftyplus, inspire, life, lifechange, lifecoach, motivate, nofilter, olderwomen, orange, selfie, style, styled, styledbyme, weightlosstransformation
Categories Lifestyle Horseriding along the beach this morning whilst we still had a brief reminder of Summer weather again #exercise #horseriding #beach #autumn #bluesky #healthylifestyle #healthy #life #happyme #sunday #weekend #inspire #motivate Post author By ceril Post date Sunday, September 24, 2017 Horseriding along the beach this morning whilst we still had a brief reminder of Summer weather again Share this post Tags autumn, beach, bluesky, exercise, happyme, healthy, healthylifestyle, horseriding, inspire, life, motivate, sunday, weekend