
National old headshot week

National old headshot week.

Me from what seems a 100 years ago! 
We don't appreciate how we looked when we were young until we are older.

Me from what seems a 100 years ago!
We don’t appreciate how we looked when we were young until we are older.

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Loving this quick and easy healthy homecooked lunch dish

Loving this quick and easy healthy homecooked lunch dish.

Rocket leaves, peeled raw courgette, grated parmesan, lemon juice, honey mustard and pomegranate dressing, and sprouted seeds. .

Rocket leaves, peeled raw courgette, grated parmesan, lemon juice, honey mustard and pomegranate dressing, and sprouted seeds. .

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Another protein and low carb breakfast idea

Another protein and low carb breakfast idea.

Scrambled eggs with spinach, avocado and tomatoes. You could leave a 12 hours interval before you eat your breakfast,  after your last meal the eve before.  This gives your digestion a chance to rest. 16-18 hours is an optimum gap if you're on a weight loss journey. On 2 consecutive days for the best result.

Spinach, avocado and tomatoes are all good slow release carbs eaten together with the protein of the eggs.  Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene which has been linked to many health benefits including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. They also contain Vit C and Vit K.

Scrambled eggs with spinach, avocado and tomatoes. You could leave a 12 hours interval before you eat your breakfast, after your last meal the eve before. This gives your digestion a chance to rest. 16-18 hours is an optimum gap if you’re on a weight loss journey. On 2 consecutive days for the best result.

Spinach, avocado and tomatoes are all good slow release carbs eaten together with the protein of the eggs. Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene which has been linked to many health benefits including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. They also contain Vit C and Vit K.

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Modified side plank exercise

Modified side plank exercise.

This is an easier version of the plank. 
This is a good alternative plank strengthening exercise, especially after a knee injury as there is no pressure or strain on the knees holding in this position when the core or glutes and hamstrings are still weak.
with thanks to @theliftingphysio

This is an easier version of the plank.
This is a good alternative plank strengthening exercise, especially after a knee injury as there is no pressure or strain on the knees holding in this position when the core or glutes and hamstrings are still weak.
with thanks to @theliftingphysio

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Pilates hover exercise

Pilates hover exercise.

This exercise can be the precurser to a plank. It engages the glutes, core, and deep abdominals.  The back has to be straight and the head aligned. It's harder than it looks to keep the back in line and shoulders down and not curve the back upwards when raising and holding the hover position.
with thanks to @theliftingphysio @bh_beyondhealth

This exercise can be the precurser to a plank. It engages the glutes, core, and deep abdominals. The back has to be straight and the head aligned. It’s harder than it looks to keep the back in line and shoulders down and not curve the back upwards when raising and holding the hover position.
with thanks to @theliftingphysio @bh_beyondhealth

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2nd exercise following on from hip flexor stretch using the foam roller

2nd exercise following on from hip flexor stretch using the foam roller.

Basic table top toe taps to engage the core,  glutes and lower abdominals.
Using the foam roller in this position can help stop the hip flexors coming into action too when the core is still weak.

Basic table top toe taps to engage the core, glutes and lower abdominals.
Using the foam roller in this position can help stop the hip flexors coming into action too when the core is still weak.

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Hip flexor stretch

Hip flexor stretch.

Today's physio pilates rehab exercise.
Simple and so effective.
Sometimes when getting back to full strength less can be more.
A few repetitions correctly executed before your muscles tire again can be more efficient than loads of repetitions incorrectly done. .
with thanks to @theliftingphysio @bh_beyondhealth

Today’s physio pilates rehab exercise.
Simple and so effective.
Sometimes when getting back to full strength less can be more.
A few repetitions correctly executed before your muscles tire again can be more efficient than loads of repetitions incorrectly done. .
with thanks to @theliftingphysio @bh_beyondhealth

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My wheat free low carb and protein breakfast

My wheat free low carb and protein breakfast.

The chef in the cafe who cooked breakfast this morning was obviously feeling creative with the chillies.
2 poached eggs on crushed avocado with chillies and wilted spinach. No toast and an espresso.

The chef in the cafe who cooked breakfast this morning was obviously feeling creative with the chillies.
2 poached eggs on crushed avocado with chillies and wilted spinach. No toast and an espresso.

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Good morning Monday

Good morning Monday.

Body positive.

Look in the mirror and love all of what you see.  The best bits and those bits you dont like so much.  No one's perfect. Don't believe everything you see on others' social media. 
Be the best version of yourself you can be.

Body positive.

Look in the mirror and love all of what you see. The best bits and those bits you dont like so much. No one’s perfect. Don’t believe everything you see on others’ social media.
Be the best version of yourself you can be.

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Healthy low carb and protein fishy lunch by the sea

Healthy low carb and protein fishy lunch by the sea.

Prawns and smoked salmon on a bed of leaves with cucumber,  olives, tomatoes and avocado.
A light dressing of creme fraiche and herbs. 
Smoked salmon and prawns are both goods ources of Omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fats can help improve your blood cholesterol levels when you eat them in place of saturated orctrans fats. Omega 3 can reduce inflammation and reduce risk of heart disease.

Prawns and smoked salmon on a bed of leaves with cucumber, olives, tomatoes and avocado.
A light dressing of creme fraiche and herbs.
Smoked salmon and prawns are both goods ources of Omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fats can help improve your blood cholesterol levels when you eat them in place of saturated orctrans fats. Omega 3 can reduce inflammation and reduce risk of heart disease.

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