The last day of an Indian Summer with lunch by the sea with a healthy but delicious Asian fusion mix of scallop, seabass and tempura prawn on a bed of vegetables, noodles and peanuts.
It’s so easy to eat healthily when it’s presented beautifully and tastes delcious.
Its all about the flavours.
Even when you are cooking at home, however simple or basic the recipe or meal, if you take a bit of extra care and time to make it look appetising on the plate, you will feel more satisfied on a smaller portion.
You will crave less of the unhealthy sugary carb laden foods which give high/low spikes to your blood sugar and energy levels.
Tag: fish
Prawns and smoked salmon on a bed of leaves with cucumber, olives, tomatoes and avocado.
A light dressing of creme fraiche and herbs.
Smoked salmon and prawns are both goods ources of Omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fats can help improve your blood cholesterol levels when you eat them in place of saturated orctrans fats. Omega 3 can reduce inflammation and reduce risk of heart disease.
Amarinth microseed leaves, Samphire, organic salmon fillet, baby new potatoes.
New potatoes have a lower glycaemic index than baked potatoes. Low GI helps maintain blood sugar levels longer.
Samphire greens are great for iron.
Salmon is a good oily fish for Omega 3.
Microseeds and microleaves are hugely nutritious.
The recipe and stages of preparation are in the sequence of photos.
Red mulllet or any other firm white flesh fish.
Ready cooked prawns
Chopped sweet potatoes
Spinach leaves
Chopped red chillies
Gluten free red Thai curry paste
Chopped fresh ginger
Tin of full fat Coconut nut milk
Oven bake or pan fry the fish in coconut oil so it remains firm and just cooked.
Oven bake the sweet potatoes in coconut oil until browned and nearly crispy.
Put into a oven proof serving dish as in picture #1, and add prawns and top with spinach leaves and chllies.
Gently simmer the mix of coconut milk, curry paste, ginger, spices all together for about 5 minutes and then pour over the ingredients in the serving dish.
Oven bake for a further 5-10 minutes
And serve with rice or rice noodles and maybe some tenderstem broccoli.
Healthy and yummy!
Place kale first in a baking dish and lay a boned and filleted wild sea bass fillet on the top. I also added some fennel.
The fish is seasoned with olive oil salt pepper and lemon.
The kale is also sprinkled with olive oil or if you wish, coconut oil.
Bake for about 15 minutes.
A delicious, low carb and healthy meal!