Tag: 1
At RuPaul's first ever London event.
At RuPaul’s first ever London event.
@rupaulsdragcon @olympialondon
Here’s a selection of pix and video clips to give you a little taster of a brilliant day. .
Pic @michellevisage in the 1st photo.
Ru Paul arriving into the venue after the Queens had sashayed down the pink carpet
Video Miz Cracker with Jewtorials
Baga chipz
Video Asia O’Hara
Video Divina de Campo
Video Trinity the Tuck
Video RuPaul doing a midday DJ set
Video The Vivienne
Walking in heels

@grayshottspa Day #2 Health regime
Picture #1.
Breakfast: Green smoothie combining good quality fats, protein and low blood sugar raising carbohydrates.
Made of:
Coconut milk, soaked almonds, Soaked chia seeds, Soaked flax seeds, Avocado, Spinach,
Cucumber, Lime juice, Frozen blueberries, Water , Vanilla extract , Sea salt , Raw honey, Mixed spice ( cinnamon, ginger, coriander, dill seed, nutmeg, cloves) .
Morning walk across the heath.
Treatment: Castor oil compress to help detox liver and gut health. .
Lunch: celeriac soup, ham and salad and vegetables ( see menu)
Always starting each meal with digestive bitters and sauerkraut for digestion.
Finishing lunch each day with probiotics.
Nutrition 1-2-1 consultation.
Favourite yoga class with @suewoodd .
Dinner: Beetroot soup, roast cod with butterbeans and chorizo and roasted cauliflower.
The recipe and stages of preparation are in the sequence of photos.
Red mulllet or any other firm white flesh fish.
Ready cooked prawns
Chopped sweet potatoes
Spinach leaves
Chopped red chillies
Gluten free red Thai curry paste
Chopped fresh ginger
Tin of full fat Coconut nut milk
Oven bake or pan fry the fish in coconut oil so it remains firm and just cooked.
Oven bake the sweet potatoes in coconut oil until browned and nearly crispy.
Put into a oven proof serving dish as in picture #1, and add prawns and top with spinach leaves and chllies.
Gently simmer the mix of coconut milk, curry paste, ginger, spices all together for about 5 minutes and then pour over the ingredients in the serving dish.
Oven bake for a further 5-10 minutes
And serve with rice or rice noodles and maybe some tenderstem broccoli.
Healthy and yummy!