Then keeping a healthy gut is super-important when you may not be feeding your gut with the best food choices.
Probiotics are live bacteria found in fermented foods. Fermented foods and probiotics are proven to help gut health which in turn create your overall healthy body and mind.
These include Kefir which is fermented milk and Sauerkraut which is fermented cabbage.
Symprove is also a probiotic.
Tag: healthylife
Ready for dance fitness class today
A cheese mushroom and spinach omelette .Yes you may have spotted Ketchup in the photo.
Although Ketchup has sugar which I exclude from my own eating regime and recipe suggestions, just sometimes a little taste of what you fancy is better than total denial so you dont crave.
Love boxing for having to be mindful, be in the moment and focus. Also brilliant for cardio, toning, upper body, arms, waist, glutes and legs
And also the brain for remembering the sequences. HIIT is the best way for helping increase your metabolism for most efficient weightloss (of course together with how you moderate your eating).
You dont have to be young to start a new sporting activity. #nevertoolate. I’m 63.
When I’m by the seaside I’m permanently hungry! It must be the sea air.
So the next 2 days will have 16 hour breaks between the last broth at 6pm and breakfast the following day which willl be at 10am after an exercise class. So basically squeezing 2 proper protein and healthy complex carb meals into an 8 hour period.
The bone broth was cooked from grass fed beef short ribs which had been previously slow cooked with vegetables, onions and garlic as a dinner the day before.
When I’m by the seaside I’m permanently hungry! It must be the sea air.
So the next 2 days will have 16 hour breaks between the last broth at 6pm and breakfast the following day which willl be at 10am after an exercise class. So basically squeezing 2 proper protein and healthy complex carb meals into an 8 hour period.
The bone broth was cooked from grass fed beef short ribs which had been previously slow cooked with vegetables, onions and garlic as a dinner the day before.
Chargrilled organic lamb cutlets with a ‘swoosh’ of houmous (trying to be decorative and chef-y) with buttered cavolo nero, carrots and broccoli flowerlets. Colourful, rainbow, dark green and purple vegetables are all full of vitamins and minerals. The more colour you add into your vegetable choices the healthier the benefits.
Butter on the vegetables for good fats.
Chargrilled organic lamb cutlets with a ‘swoosh’ of houmous (trying to be decorative and chef-y) with buttered cavolo nero, carrots and broccoli flowerlets. Colourful, rainbow, dark green and purple vegetables are all full of vitamins and minerals. The more colour you add into your vegetable choices the healthier the benefits.
Butter on the vegetables for good fats.