Categories Lifestyle Alternate half press ups Using lightweights for additional workout for surrounding shoulder girdle muscles strengthening Post author By ceril Post date Wednesday, August 23, 2017 Holding core, keeping back and head aligned and hips still. All round body workout Share this post Tags arms, back, core, exercise, fit, fitness, fitnessmotivation, fitspo, glutes, inspire, motivate, shoulders, tum, workout
Categories Lifestyle Lower back and arms workout with light weights Post author By ceril Post date Saturday, August 19, 2017 Keeping knees slightly bent and very importantly core and tummy tight to support lower back This is part of a series of 3 exercises Share this post Tags 1, arms, back, body, exercise, fit, fitness, inspire, life, lifechange, lifestyle, lowerback, morning, motivate, olderwomen, poolside, positivity, training, weightloss, weightlossjourney, weightlosstransformation, workout