
Pilates exercise for core stability and switching off over-active hip flexors

Pilates exercise for core stability and switching off over-active hip flexors. .
I can do this anywhere as it simply needs a theraband and 2 slightly deflated balls-one for under my bottom and the other for between my calves. .
I can do this anywhere as it simply needs a theraband and 2 slightly deflated balls-one for under my bottom and the other for between my calves. .

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2nd exercise following on from hip flexor stretch using the foam roller

2nd exercise following on from hip flexor stretch using the foam roller.

Basic table top toe taps to engage the core,  glutes and lower abdominals.
Using the foam roller in this position can help stop the hip flexors coming into action too when the core is still weak.

Basic table top toe taps to engage the core, glutes and lower abdominals.
Using the foam roller in this position can help stop the hip flexors coming into action too when the core is still weak.

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In the Pilates studio

In the Pilates studio.

Lunges with your weight on an unstable base.
This helps all the muscles and core engage from your balancing foot ankle and leg to your core and glutes and tum.

However...on another level
It has just been suggested to me by my hip surgeon that anyone like me who has had a hip re-surface surgery procedure and has metal on metal in their hip -this could be having adverse effects as the flexion movement on the weight bearing leg can cause the metal on metal to rub more than usual.
Metal on metal hip replacements and resurfaces can cause metal ions (cobalt and chromium) to leak into the blood stream and give metal ion readings in the blood above normal levels. This could  cause future health issues.

Lunges with your weight on an unstable base.
This helps all the muscles and core engage from your balancing foot ankle and leg to your core and glutes and tum.

However…on another level
It has just been suggested to me by my hip surgeon that anyone like me who has had a hip re-surface surgery procedure and has metal on metal in their hip -this could be having adverse effects as the flexion movement on the weight bearing leg can cause the metal on metal to rub more than usual.
Metal on metal hip replacements and resurfaces can cause metal ions (cobalt and chromium) to leak into the blood stream and give metal ion readings in the blood above normal levels. This could cause future health issues.

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In the Pilates studio

In the Pilates studio.

Lunges with your weight on an unstable base.
This helps all the muscles and core engage from your balancing foot ankle and leg to your core and glutes and tum.

However...on another level
It has just been suggested to me by my hip surgeon that anyone like me who has had a hip re-surface surgery procedure and has metal on metal in their hip -this could be having adverse effects as the flexion movement on the weight bearing leg can cause the metal on metal to rub more than usual.
Metal on metal hip replacements and resurfaces can cause metal ions (cobalt and chromium) to leak into the blood stream and give metal ion readings in the blood above normal levels. This could  cause future health issues.

Lunges with your weight on an unstable base.
This helps all the muscles and core engage from your balancing foot ankle and leg to your core and glutes and tum.

However…on another level
It has just been suggested to me by my hip surgeon that anyone like me who has had a hip re-surface surgery procedure and has metal on metal in their hip -this could be having adverse effects as the flexion movement on the weight bearing leg can cause the metal on metal to rub more than usual.
Metal on metal hip replacements and resurfaces can cause metal ions (cobalt and chromium) to leak into the blood stream and give metal ion readings in the blood above normal levels. This could cause future health issues.

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Back to the Pilates studio Slow controlled movements may seem boring but are the most effective

Back to the Pilates studio

Slow controlled movements may seem boring but are the most effective. 
Being able to isolate muscle groups and make each lot work better takes lots of practice.

Being able to isolate muscle groups and make each lot work better takes lots of practice.

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