Categories Lifestyle A #nofilter selfie before a 2nd screen test in a week for 2nd possibility of appearing as an expert for a new TV series Post author By ceril Post date Friday, September 29, 2017 So strange! Just like buses -all or nothing… Share this post Tags agesixtyplus, anythingispossible, believe, fiftyisnotold, gratitude, image, inspire, lifechange, lifecoach, lifestyle, motivate, nofilter, nofilters, nofilterselfie, nofiltersneeded, olderwomen, positivity, real, screentest, style, stylist, thankful, tv
Categories Lifestyle A #nofilter selfie before a 2nd screen test in a week for 2nd possibility of appearing as an expert for Post author By ceril Post date Friday, September 29, 2017 So strange! Just like buses -all or nothing… Share this post Tags agesixtyplus, anythingispossible, believe, fiftyisnotold, gratitude, image, inspire, lifechange, lifecoach, lifestyle, motivate, nofilter, nofilters, nofilterselfie, nofiltersneeded, olderwomen, positivity, real, screentest, style, stylist, thankful, tv
Categories life quotes Motivation & positivity “I can and I will” has a better outcome than expending unneccessary energy on imagining “what if” and “how” Visualise the final result you’d like to achieve Post author By ceril Post date Monday, June 5, 2017 love weightlosstransformation positivity positivethoughts success quotestoliveby dreams bodyimage weightlossjourney achieve hope lifecoach positivequotes positivemindset lifestyle believe life lifequotes motivate inspire business healthy Share this post Tags achieve, believe, bodyimage, business, dreams, healthy, hope, inspire, life, lifecoach, lifequotes, lifestyle, love, motivate, positivemindset, positivequotes, positivethoughts, positivity, quotestoliveby, success, weightlossjourney, weightlosstransformation