
Crab and courgette spaghetti with chilli and rocket

Crab and courgette spaghetti with chilli and rocket.

Crabmeat with spiralized or courgette strips with spaghetti, olive oil, lemon juice and chillies and rocket leaves.

Mixing spaghetti with courgettes and leaves helps the dish become more nutritionally balanced and to last longer as fuel for  your body.

Courgettes and leaves are healthy low carb foods and crab is protein. Less heathy processed white flour foods such as pasta are carbs which are processed by the body turning quickly into sugar. 
When pasta is only eaten in a small quantity and mixed with healthy options it helps slow down the blood sugar high and low caused by high glycaemic food such as pasta and other refined white flour foods.

Crabmeat with spiralized or courgette strips with spaghetti, olive oil, lemon juice and chillies and rocket leaves.

Mixing spaghetti with courgettes and leaves helps the dish become more nutritionally balanced and to last longer as fuel for your body.

Courgettes and leaves are healthy low carb foods and crab is protein. Less heathy processed white flour foods such as pasta are carbs which are processed by the body turning quickly into sugar.
When pasta is only eaten in a small quantity and mixed with healthy options it helps slow down the blood sugar high and low caused by high glycaemic food such as pasta and other refined white flour foods.

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How to eat out healthily in restaurants

How to eat out healthily in restaurants.

My new favourite restaurant  @fancycrabuk 
Grilled Squid Steak with squid ink, roasted beetroot, salad
Grilled over charcoal and served with a yuzu lime, szechwan pepper, lemongrass & galangal dressing.
And 'Merus' from the largest part of the crab leg grilled with butter and hollandaise sauce with triple cooked fries ( I didnt eat them).
With a side of Steamed Kale Roasted anchovy & bone marrow butter
Just delcious!

My new favourite restaurant @fancycrabuk
Grilled Squid Steak with squid ink, roasted beetroot, salad
Grilled over charcoal and served with a yuzu lime, szechwan pepper, lemongrass & galangal dressing.
And ‘Merus’ from the largest part of the crab leg grilled with butter and hollandaise sauce with triple cooked fries ( I didnt eat them).
With a side of Steamed Kale Roasted anchovy & bone marrow butter
Just delcious!

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How to eat out healthily in restaurants

How to eat out healthily in restaurants.

My new favourite restaurant  @fancycrabuk 
Grilled Squid Steak with squid ink, roasted beetroot, salad
Grilled over charcoal and served with a yuzu lime, szechwan pepper, lemongrass & galangal dressing.
And 'Merus' from the largest part of the crab leg grilled with butter and hollandaise sauce with triple cooked fries ( I didnt eat them).
With a side of Steamed Kale Roasted anchovy & bone marrow butter
Just delcious!

My new favourite restaurant @fancycrabuk
Grilled Squid Steak with squid ink, roasted beetroot, salad
Grilled over charcoal and served with a yuzu lime, szechwan pepper, lemongrass & galangal dressing.
And ‘Merus’ from the largest part of the crab leg grilled with butter and hollandaise sauce with triple cooked fries ( I didnt eat them).
With a side of Steamed Kale Roasted anchovy & bone marrow butter
Just delcious!

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Shellfish seafood platter treat lunch with the family A super healthy lunch with a side of nearly healthy home cooked chips

Shellfish seafood platter treat lunch with the family

A super healthy lunch with a side of nearly healthy home cooked chips. 
Lobster and chips?
Yes please 
Would be rude not to!

Lobster, crab, mussels, clams, prawns, king prawns, crab cakes, smoked salmon, scallops and samphire.

Did you know that clams amd mussels must be closed before you cook (boil) them and open when you eat them? Otherwise they should be thrown away.

Lobster and chips?
Yes please
Would be rude not to!

Lobster, crab, mussels, clams, prawns, king prawns, crab cakes, smoked salmon, scallops and samphire.

Did you know that clams amd mussels must be closed before you cook (boil) them and open when you eat them? Otherwise they should be thrown away.

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A low-carb, wheat-free recipe for crab pasta using spiralized courgettes instead of spaghetti

A low-carb, wheat-free recipe for crab pasta using spiralized courgettes instead of spaghetti.

Spiralize the courgettes.
Then saute in coconut oil or olive oil some onion, garlic, chopped red chillies, adding salt and pepper until soft and translucent.
Then finally add the spiralized courgettes, courgette flowers, and crab meat. This only needs cooking quickly as you dont want it to go too soft or mushy.
Finish off with some parsley.
A quick and easy low csrb and protein healthy meal!

Spiralize the courgettes.
Then saute in coconut oil or olive oil some onion, garlic, chopped red chillies, adding salt and pepper until soft and translucent.
Then finally add the spiralized courgettes, courgette flowers, and crab meat. This only needs cooking quickly as you dont want it to go too soft or mushy.
Finish off with some parsley.
A quick and easy low csrb and protein healthy meal!

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