It’s another birthday next week, (in my 60’s) which reminds me that as we get older it’s important to keep fit, healthy and mobile. For mind and body.
Even if the exercise is only a 20 minute brisk walk a day. Exercise should be a minimum of 3 times a week. .
I like to mix up my fitness classes each week. Each style of class has a different purpose.
So today is barrecore which has core and glute work, plies and sqats, together with ballet style barre exercises and light weights for arms.
I do Pilates once a week for core and glute strength and spinal mobility.
30 min boxing and HIIT workout once a week for cardio and also to help weight maintenance or loss.
Horse riding is my occasional special feel good treat especially when It’s riding along the beach.
And then there’s the dog that needs a walk…. What’s your weekly fitness or exercise regime? And what’s your favourite class?
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Tag: barrecore
Back to the exercise studio today for a barrecore class. @misslucy_lou the bichonXwestie is missing the beach too.
I try to do some type of exercise and training at least 4 days a week together with a healthy eating regime. Pilates for core and glute strength especially and overall body alignment. Boxing for HIIT. Barre class for core glutes and toning. Abd if no time for anything else a short brisk walk.
Barrecore morning
This was filmed when I had full mobility in my right shoulder before my injury and subsequent recuperation.
Here i am engaging the core and glutes in a plie to rise into a demi point really pulling up, whilst squeezing the ball between the hands for strengthening the supporting surrounding shoulder girdle and muscles.
@slicefitness @naomidifabio
Plies and on demi-pointe for toning calves, glutes and core.
Body still a work in progress!
Early class before breakfast to start the day
@slicefitness @naomidifabio for the lessons
dance fitness lifechange class weightlossjourney barre weights lifecoach fitbody glutes women lifestyle weekend saturday motivate agesixtyplus barrecore inspire pilates slicestudios exercise core
Such a great way to strengthen and tone whatever your age. Im 62 and hopefully inspiring and motivating my social media followers and clients to look and feel good from inside out. Its not just about what your wear and how you present yourself but about how you feel about yourself-positive body image, healthy and fit.
With thanks to @naomidifabio for my classes @slicefitness
plies sixtyandfit bodypositive fitness weightlosstransformation agelessbeauty age60plus age bodyimage weightlossjourney strong fitnessmotivation weights weightloss lifecoach glutes lifestyle body life motivate agesixtyplus barrecore inspire pilates slicestudios squats healthy london fit